Home Sweet Home

It has been a long time coming but we are finally settled in our apartment in Rohrmoser and are working on familiarizing ourselves with the area. We live just off of Final de Bulevard about two blocks from the American Embassy and two blocks from the President. It is a very quiet neighborhood with very friendly neighbors.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Getting Close!

It is hard to believe that we will be leaving in exactly 3 weeks from yesterday! When I look around the house it seems like there are a million things to do but then again there is nothing left in the house except the barest of furniture and some clothes.We got the cat a carrying case to put him on the plane. Unfortunately, he will be in cargo because he is waaaaayyyy to fat to ride under the seat: unless of course he can lose half his body weight in a little less than 3 weeks. (Probably not a good idea for him to do that!)The plans for this weekend are to finish painting the house, Bob doesn't ever want to paint another piece of trim for the rest of his life, and to start packing the suitcases so we can balance the weight out; as well as see what all we can fit into them to get on the plane. We are going to try to get as much on the plane as possible so we only have to mail 3 or 4 boxes to the hotel. That is easy enough when you decide to sell everything. We are all getting a little antsy and can't wait to be in Costa Rica. The hardest thing for us is the waiting once we decide to move. We are not the most patient when it comes to the time it takes to move. :-)Only one more day of school, if you can call it one day (7am-10:30pm) then it will be full time cleaning out the basement so we can go! We can't wait!!

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