Home Sweet Home

It has been a long time coming but we are finally settled in our apartment in Rohrmoser and are working on familiarizing ourselves with the area. We live just off of Final de Bulevard about two blocks from the American Embassy and two blocks from the President. It is a very quiet neighborhood with very friendly neighbors.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

We Are Happy to Announce.....

We are happy to announce that the phone call has arrived and Jacob has been accepted into Lincoln High School! Not that there was ever any doubt that they would accept him, but it is nice to have it be official. They called at 3:58pm today, two minutes before they closed, to tell us the good news.

We go in next Monday, August 3rd, to fill out all of the necessary papers....a.k.a pay them their money.... and pick up his uniforms. I think they will have his schedule ready too.

Then we go back on Friday, August 6th, for the Welcome to School day. Jake is there from 9am to 12pm doing activities with other students, then we are invited to a luncheon with him at the school. It is the teachers/schools/principals way of welcoming us.

I know Jake is very excited that this part is finally behind him and that he is looking forward to going to school and meeting some new friends.

We are so proud of him.....he is such a great person! :-)

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